Monday 7 September 2015

The Jadelist: AUG 15

Hey hey lovely people!

Jadelist is back for the month of August, and we're being a bit cheeky this time!

Honestly, there was so much great music this month that I literally struggled to get it down to 10 songs, so, considering that it's by birth month, an extra song is totally allowed, right?

This month is very upbeat, and dare I say, basic!

Without further ado, here's August's Jadelist:


Fire by TheBalcony

Okay, I'm just gonna come out with it; This song is sung by a Viner. Should that influence whether you like this track or not? HELL NO!!

So you've probably seen Kenny Holland singing in a few Vines around the Internet. Well, him and Wesley Stromberg of Emblem3 have teamed up to create TheBalCOny, and have just released their first single, Fire.

I'm not much into Vine, but one day, I happened to be scrolling through the app and a clip with this song was featured. 

Not to be that basic girl, but I honestly love so many songs that I hear in Vines, so naturally, I decided to look it up and BAM! It was Fire (Literally!)

It's got that be achy vibe to it, so if you're into the kind of songs that you'd hear if you were in Hollister, then this song is for you!


Amplified by Watsky ft. Rafael Casal

So, being the news and YouTube junkie that I am, it's only natural that I'm subscribed to SourceFed, right?

Well, if you're subscribed to them too, you'll know by know that the layout and presenters have
changed dramatically, so me being the loser I am decided to go on a little nostalgia fest and relive the good old days, which is when I found this song featured in a video.

I think this is something that you're either gonna love or hate, and believe me, I was conflicted at first. 

The music itself has that oasis/beach vibe that I always talk about but can't find an accurate word for, but you get what I mean.

The rapping is what will make you love it or hate it. It's different and honestly, a breath of fresh air.


Trndstter (Lucian remix) by Black Coast ft. M. Maggie

Again, another song found through Vine. It's safe to say that I went on Vine a lot more than usual this month.

To say I was obsessed with this song in August is an understatement. I hate that I love this song. Not to get all pretentious, but I feel like I'm trying to be a hip 14 year old listening to this song. I mean, look, the song name has no vowels, but oh, It's so addictive.

I'd be lying if I said I don't have the natural instinct to wink at each ding in the song.

Feeling like a guilty pleasure? Want to feel hip and 'down with the kids'? This is the song for you!


Bad Blood by Taylor Swift ft Kendrick Lamar



I never really understood the major obsession people have with Taylor Swift, but seriously, 1989 has gotta be one of the best albums this year. I've been converted. I am now a beginner Swifty!

So I heard Style, Shake If Off and Blank Space when they were relatively new, but I was pretty late to the party for Bad Blood.

Yeah, I became obsessed with it and continued to play it on repeat for like the next 4 days.

I don't know what Taylor did to 1989, but every single released so far has been a hit, and this is no exception. 

I mean, even Kendrick Lamar fitted well into this song. It's sorcery. Pure sorcery.

Not to get all feminist but seriously, I would kill for a movie with the superheroes from the music video. I've never really been into the whole Marvel/DC thing (Star Wars though...), but I totally get it.  If we had more of these strong female characters, I'm sure tons of young girls would put down their barbies. 

And yes, I totally wanted to be a superhero after watching this video...


Promise by Ben Howard

I'm not sure how, but in August, I found this YouTube channel called Mostly Strings, and that's when the downward spiral began.

The days that have been wasted used totally appropriately listening to all kinds of songs you've never heard of from this channel, well, let's say there are way too many of them.

If you're into nice, relaxing acoustic songs, then please, I beg you to go and check out this channel.

I had some kind of poetic moment when I first heard this song. It was raining, just like in the song, but it was that kind of rain where you just sit back and take it all in, and everything just kinda felt peaceful. Some real pathetic fallacy going on here. I promise to never try to use big words again.

Plus, it's by Ben Howard, from his album Every Kingdom, which has a lot of great memories and is very special to me.

 Plus, under British law, I actually think it's illegal to criticise him, so...


Clementine by Sarah Jaffe

So, following on from me spending way too much time listening to all the songs on Mostly Strings, I found this old familiar friend.

About 20 seconds in, the penny dropped; I HEARD THIS SONG BEFORE.

Let's be honest, It's never truly a Jadelist if there's not a song from One Tree Hill in there, right?

Although this song could be considered pretty depressing, it weirdly doesn't make you feel that way at all. It just kinda makes you feel content.

I haven't spent any time thinking about the true meaning of this song, but it's confessional, deep, and definitely about a lot more than just a name change. I guess that's what makes it special.


Stubborn Love by The Lumineers

Who doesn't love The Lumineers?

Now to ruin all the poetic images I've had with other songs from this month.

What images does this song bring up to me? Painting my bedroom.

Oh how beautiful.

Again, this is another product of my obsession with Mostly Strings, but it's got that end of summer, harvest vibe, golden sunsets. Painting with words, people!

It's kinda got a Mumford & Sons vibe about it too. Give it a listen.


Black Magic by Little Mix

Well well well, this I did not expect to happen.

I've never really appreciated Little Mix at all.

I haven't watched X Factor in a really long time, so I didn't follow them on their rise to fame.

I never listened to any of their songs through my own free will. I was more of a forced listener, y'know, when you can't escape it, like when it's playing at a party or while you're shopping? That's how I heard some of their early songs like Wings.

Then, thanks to that Vevo ad on YouTube, I was bombarded with this song for roughly 20 times a day.

First time I heard, I didn't really care for it.

Two weeks later, I finally decided to give in and actually listen to the full version.

For just over three minutes, I was transported to the 90's again. This is 110% a guilty pleasure, nostalgia fest song.

Honestly, would it really be that bad if we had a sudden surge of cheesy pop songs again?!


Rich Girls by The Virgins 

So, The Virgins were featured in Jadelist a few months back, and on one of my little Spotify sprees, I thought I'd go back and listen to more of their music, and then I found this.

They kinda give you that cool pop/rock vibe that you'd get from someone like The 1975, but sassier and without the voice that some people hate (No shade, I actually like Matt Healy's voice!).

It sounds ridiculous, but the only way I can describe this song is hip. Am I having my midlife crisis 20 years too early?!

Put me out of my misery and listen to this song so I can feel less old!


Up in the Clouds by Darwin Deez

Another artist reappearance with Darwin Deez.

Weird little fact here, but Darwin Deez is a band, not a person! Okay, well the frontman is called Darwin, but in this context, we're talking about the band.

If you're into that cutesy indie pop style of music, then this band is definitely for you, and what better song to start with than Up in the Clouds?

Maybe it's just me trying to hold onto the rest of this non existent summer, but this song just makes me think of road trips and beach days.

If you enjoy this song, listen to the rest of the Darwin Deez album. Yeah, that's right, the album is called Darwin Deez, by the band Darwin Deez, who are fronted by singer Darwin Deez. Got it?


Elevate by Kid Astronaut

And now for a special 11th track.

So, by know, you'll know that Air Dubai are my all time favourite band right?

Well sad times. Jon Shockness, one of the vocalists from the band has left the band for now. My Air Dubai heart!!

But wait, fab times!!

Jon's released his new EP called Moon Theory as solo artist, Kid Astronaut.

I'll be honest, I was initially hesitant, and who wouldn't be. To me, Air Dubai are just my perfect kind of music. I was pretty scared that I wouldn't like moon theory.

Seriously, I couldn't have been further from the truth!

I was so impressed with Moon Theory that I may or may not have went on a little spamming spree to my friends about it. Literally obsessed.

What makes this all the more better is that this was created by an independent artist. Not to be all biased and preachy, but if you're gonna support any of the artists featured here, then it has to be this one.

Elevate is my favourite track from Moon Theory, but you can hear the rest at Kid Astronauts Soundcloud. Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for some new tracks, because I believe that Moon Theory will be added to soon. 

So that's The Jadelist for this month.

Which song was your favourite out of the bunch? Let me know in the comments below!

So, I wanna know, what was your favourite song during the month of August?

As always, thank you so much for reading & I hope you have a lovely day

Lots of Love

1 comment :

  1. Great post!! Love all the choices.

    Megan -
