Saturday 25 October 2014

Halloween Week - Day 2, Pop Art

Hey hey lovely people! I'm back with day two of my Halloween week of looks, with Pop Art makeup.

This is probably the simplest look to create, seeing as you only really need a black eyeliner, a white eyeliner and a red lip liner.

So here's the finished look:

Okay, my first recommendation (especially if you have oily skin like me) is to apply a foundation or
powder before doing this. Trust me, it'll make everything a lot less slippery!

For this look, you just need to copy what I've done, there's no hidden techniques at all! Remember, be particular about where you place your dots! I'm not sure if I'm the only one that does this, but I use what I call the 'triangle' method. Just keep making equal triangles with the dots!

You can double up the red lip liner for your lips and dots, or just use a lipstick instead. Don't forget to place a white reflective mark on your lips when you're done! In all honesty, I would've done my lips a lot differently, instead lining on my bottom lip, seeing as they look way too unequal for this look. 

Voila! Look number 2 done! Now, I clearly haven't done my hair for this, but I think you can really do whatever you want with this, just make sure you don't have all your hairs sticking out like I do! 

Let me know if any of you have ever created a Pop Art look before, or if you're planning to do it this Halloween! 

As always, thank you so much for reading this & I hope you have a lovely day!

Lots of Love


  1. This looks awesome! I don't have any Halloween parties to go to or else I'd try it :)

    Sam |

    1. Just do it for sheer randomness! Trust me, you'll love making it! Haha! xoxo
