Monday 1 December 2014

Blogmas - Day 1, Monthly Favourites

Hey hey lovely people!

After doing my week on Halloween looks, I felt inspired to start blogging consecutively again. Sure, it's a lot of work preparing a post for each day but seriously, it was the most fun I've ever had blogging!

That's why I'm now taking part in Blogmas 2014, though I'm tempted to turn it into BEDD, we'll see how it goes.

So, for those who don't know, Blogmas is when you blog every day until Christmas. So, stick around for a post every day!

Let's kick off day one with all of the things I've being loving in November.

Okay, so first up is the Bourjois healthy mix serum gel foundation. Now, it's not really a gel, but I say this so you don't get confused with the other healthy mix foundation. 

Now, I've owned this for quite a while now, but I've recently fallen in love with it all over again.

It's perfect for those days when putting on a high end foundation just doesn't seem worth it (I'm talking about them early wake-up mornings, shout out to Mondays).

It has a great, dewy finish and a medium-full coverage. Bonus points, Bourjois normally have 3 for 2 offers, so you can pick this up with a few other things, like their healthy mix powder, which is fab! I picked up mine in the summer of 3 for 2 and had a free pair of sunglasses.

If memory serves me correctly, Superdrug currently has Bourjois as 3 for 2, so check it out. 

Next up is another product I've only now began to appreciate. 

Now, I kinda bought the Makeup Revolution triple baked highlighter on a whim, thinking it was a fancy blush. Imagine my disappointed face when I got home and realised that wasn't the case.

My mind just didn't function correctly with this. Why would anyone want a highlighter that's pink?! Turns out, everyone should! Because of it's colour, it doesn't create that blatantly obvious highlight. Instead, you get a more subtle, realistic highlight, that doesn't contain a ton of shimmer. 

Definitely took me a while to appreciate this, but it's now part of my regular makeup kit. 

First, can I say, I can't believe it took me this long to try this, considering I'm a full time Lushie.

Now, the concept of a solid shampoo had always enticed me. I mean, how cool does that sound, not to mention space and money saving. 

I really wanted to try a solid shampoo, but after smelling every bar that LUSH had to offer, I was less than impressed. They all smelled gross and overpowering, I didn't want my hair to smell like that at all.

Picture my face though when I saw that LUSH were bringing out new solid shampoo scents, one of them being a Rose Jam scented one. I was literally the human embodiment of YAAAAASSSS! 

After using it, I think my hair is a lot more voluminous, especially considering I have long, weighty hair. I was surprised however at the fact it did foam. I just wasn't expecting that at all. 

My hair smells lovely and I'm happy.

Next up is a company that I've only just discovered, but boy, I'm glad that I did!

Now, I'm obsessed with candles, but I'd never tried wax melts, until now. 

I adore Wicknwax. They have so many different scents available, not to mention that you can create your own custom loaf to melt (suck on that, Yankee).

I have to confess, I've already made two orders this month. I feel an obsession coming on.

Now for my TV pick of the month, or should I say, the year. Believe me, this is 100% my new favourite show. Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present, American Horror Story.

Now, I really don't know why it took me this long to finally start watching this, but one night, I just had an urge to start watching Murder House (season 1) at about 4am. Yeah, and that's when my obsession started. Flash forward to me watching two seasons back to back in two days, and then three seasons by the end of the week. 

This show is just perfectly written and has the best plot lines (and plot twists) from any show that I've seen in a long time, although, I do question whether Ryan Murphy has some kind of habit a few times after some weird scenes! 

Nevertheless, the cast is fabulous each season, most notably Jessica Lange who is just the epitome of fabulous, and also the actress to my favourite AHS character, Fiona Goode. 

Basically, this tweet just sums up all my feels. 

I rest my case. 

And now for my allotted nerd segment. 

I've grown up with Star Wars all of my life. I remember when I was young, having a VHS box set of the original saga. Needless to say, Return of The Jedi was my favourite. 

Then, the whole game changed, The Phantom Menace was released. Then Clone Wars, and finally, Revenge of the Sith (My personal favourite).

So, essentially, I have grown up with Star Wars, both old and new, which is why, when I heard that Disney were taking over the Franchise, I was pretty disappointed and excited. Sure, another movie, that's great, although I don't feel like there's that much of a story to tell now (Darth is gone, so any new villain would just mean a different story to the other 6, is that really Star Wars), plus, with Disney, it's not likely to be the best.

Well well well, my judgements were officially smashed to pieces on 28th November 2014, after just 90 seconds. 

I can only imagine what I'll be like when the next trailer's released, let alone the movie! #PrayForJade

My music choice of the month has to be Ariana Grande's new album, My Everything.

I wanna start by saying that I'm not a big Ariana fan. After what I've heard, I'm not too struck on her as a person, but you can't deny that she is very talented.

Her album has a great collection of songs, along with collaborations with other fab musicians, like The Weeknd, and, one of my little known favourites, Cashmere Cat (Mirror Maru everyone!!).

It's one of those albums where you can just pick any track, and you know you'll enjoy it, which is rare for me, considering this usually only happens with Lana Del Rey, Air Dubai, Maroon 5 and Justin Timberlake. Welcome to the club, Ariana.

Everywhere I go on the Internet now, I'm distracted by BuzzFeed, and rightfully so, they're super interesting!

From posts that are shared on Facebook, to videos on YouTube from BuzzFeed Yellow, you're surrounded by them.

I'm not going to disclose how much time I spent in November watching BuzzFeed videos, but let's just say, I could've done a lot of other things in that time. However, I'm now educated in various different foods across the world. 

And now, for the plug post!

As you know by now, this is my main blog, and I'm a Journalism student. 

Now, for one of my modules, I have to create a blog. To avoid confusion, I didn't simply just use posts from this blog, not to mention that it also needs to be on Wordpress.

That is why I will be running a second blog until May this year. 

On that blog, I will kinda be doing things in more detail than I would here. My last post was how to achieve the Kylie Jenner lip.

So, check that out over at, or check it out on bloglovin over at

So, that's it once again for another monthly favourites. Just think, next months will be after Christmas and Boxing day, so expect a lot of new products in here!

As always, thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a lovely day!

Lots of Love

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