Hey hey lovely faces! A new post here for you about one of my newest discoveries, a lovely place called Coal Harbour.
But first, flashback to approximately 1 month ago. Now, if you follow my Instagram (http://instagram.com/jadenatashax), you'll already know about my obsession with bath bombs. Well, throughout my numerous hours of scrolling (Or as I like to call it, thumb-cercise), I saw Coal Harbour posts pop up a few times, both through looking at bath bomb reviews, or if someone on my time line had ordered some. Finally, I made the effort to check out their website. Ever since that day, I've been #Obsessed. Their bath bombs are generally cheaper than Lush, are cruelty free & handmade in Britain. Not only do Coal Harbour stock their own branded items, but also sell items from other businesses, including Bomb Cosmetics, Eden's Secret, Miss Patisserie and Quintessentially English. It's like an online mini bath bomb mall.
So I thought I'd share my first ever order from Coal Harbour with you guys. Enjoy!

My Parcel arrived to me through Hermes delivery, which was free. Definitely an advantage on Lush. Unfortunately, when I first received my package, there was a large dent and tear on one side of the box (Obviously from the shipping process and not through Coal Harbour). Immediately, I had visions of smashed bath bombs. Thankfully, this was not the case, with only 2 minor casualties.
Casualty number one was my Mango Mumba 5 bath whoopee. One side of the whoopee was squished and there was a crack on the opposite side. This didn't leave me any less impressed though. I used this bath bomb and was amazed. The water instantly changed colour, while simultaneously releasing the most gorgeous Mango fragrance. As the yellow parts fizzed away, the creamy pink inner slowly melted away, helping to moisturise the skin. This bath bomb definitely gave me a great first impression for coal harbour.
If you would like to see the instagram review for this bath bomb, click this! http://instagram.com/p/qhi8GBkwIj/?modal=true
Next up is the second bath whoopee I have used from Coal Harbour, Raspberry Pav-Lover. I don't know how many times I've said that I'm obsessed with the smell of raspberries, so it's pretty obvious how much I love this! Like Mango Mumba 5, the whoopee consists of a creamy filling, sandwiched between two fast fizzing bomb pieces. My bath didn't change colour much, which is expected from a white bath bomb, however, it was a perfect example of why we need smellivision, because it smelled beautiful.
Again to see the instagram review of this bath bomb, please click this link
The following bath bombs, butter loops, etc.. haven't been used yet. If you would like me to review one of these, please leave me a comment at the bottom of this post and I'll do so!
Next up is Incense & Sensibility. This bath bomb appears to have a fast fizzing shell with a blue, almost butter cream like filling, topped with what appears to be hard boiled sweets. It smells super sweet, but also relaxing. In all honesty, this bath bomb looks better in person than on the websites picture. This is looking to be a staple favourite of mine.
Next up is Hypnobath, aptly named from its glitter swirl placed on top of the bath bomb. This bath bomb looks like it wouldn't be a big colour changer due to it being white, so I personally wouldn't recommend this if you're looking for a pretty colourful bath, however, if you desire a perfumed, almost aromatherapy experience, then look no further! This bomb is very floral, a mixture of Lily, Lily of the Valley and Rose. This definitely shouldn't be missed if you're a fan of floral fragrances.
Fruit Fountain bath bomb is a pinkish-purple coloured bomb, reminiscent of mixed berries, topped with what appears to be chocolate swirls and heart sugar decorations. Unfortunately, I'm pretty disappointed that this doesn't look like the displayed picture on the website, which shows a bomb topped with dried raspberries. Despite this, I'm still hoping that there are raspberries in the bomb itself. The fragrance is like fresh berries which is fabulous. I can definitely smell raspberries in this. Lovely!
Fresh Berry bath bomb reminds me of a lovely little ice cream. The bomb itself is pink in colour with an ice cream coloured filling, topped with sprinkles, just like a whippy cone. This bomb smells so lovely. Definitely like berries, but almost a tad biscuity too. Either way, it literally smells good enough to eat.
Appleberry Butter Burst was a bomb that I was unsure about adding to my basket. Now, I'm so glad that I did. The fragrance is just perfection. Seriously, I'd love to have this smell as a body spray, shower gel, soap, everything. As the name says, it smells of sweet apple, mixed with berries, which Coal Harbour say are blackberries. The bomb has a green outer shell, which I'm presuming is where the apple scent is coming from, and an inner filling, which is a mixture of purple and blue, that I'm predicting to smell of blackberry. This is the perfect bath bomb for this summer.
Next up we have butter loops, bath creamers and bath mallows, all of which melt into your bath, rather than fizzing. Above is the second and last casualty from my order, once again, a minor problem. As you can see, the layers have come apart, which, unless it's a gift, isn't much of a problem. At the end of the day, it's still gonna melt the same. I'm unable to give a full scent review right now, but Coal Harbour describes the fragrance as red fruits, raspberry, grapes, blueberry and pear. How lovely does that sound?! Not to mention that it contains moisturising butters too. Super excited to use this one.
Next up is chasing rainbows, which was a free gift put into my order. How nice is that?! The people at Coal Harbour are fab! The mallow has a blue base, with an ice cream like top, with a cute little rainbow placed in-between. Coal Harbour describe this fragrance as blueberries, black grapes, cassis and vanilla. Smells sweet and looks sweet!
Next up is Raspberry Diva Bath Creamer. Again, no need to explain why I chose this bomb. This creamer contains cocoa butter, which is going to leave the skin feeling moisturised, not to mention that you'll smell like a lovely little raspberry fairy. Perfection!
Finally we have Very Berry Bath Creamer. This creamer contains real pieces of dried fruit and chocolate. Literally good enough to eat. The smell is listed as raspberry, blueberry, summer red berries, green leaf, vanilla and caramel. Just place this in your bath and the butters will release, which will make your skin feel lovely and moisturised.
So those are all the products from my first Coal Harbour order. I say first because I've already ordered another lot, so expect another Coal Harbour haul.
Are you interested in me reviewing any of the products listed above. Please leave a comment below telling me which one and I'll put up a video on Instagram.
Don't forget to check out my instagram for new bath bomb videos and ones that I've already done.
www.instagram.com/jadenatashax or @jadenatashax on the app.
Thanks for reading. Hope you have a lovely day!
Lots of Love
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