Sunday, 24 August 2014

Mini beauty haul - Beauty Studio by Superdrug & more!

Hey hey lovely people! I've got a few beauty products in the past month from Cardiff's new Beauty Studio by Superdrug, so I thought I'd share with you! I've also included some purchases from other shops, including Boots, John Lewis & Debenhams! 

So, without further ado, enjoy! 

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Coal Harbour Haul 2.0

Hey hey lovely faces! I'm back with another Coal Harbour haul. Seriously, I'm beyond obsessed! 

Coal Harbour give free shipping if you spend over £30, so I thought I'd be a fab fab daughter and place an order with my mum. So without further ado, here's everything. 

Thursday, 14 August 2014

How I cut my Lush products

Hey hey lovely faces! So, as you already know by now, I am beyond obsessed with Lush. It's my must-stop-shop when I go shopping, with their bubble bars being one of my favourite products. 

Now, I've discovered that everybody uses their bubble bars in different ways; Some snap off a bit and crumble it under the water, others simply just let the water run over the entire block, using their desired amount. Quite frankly I find either very, shall I say messy! Trust me, if I snapped a piece off, I'd end up using my bubble bar twice, and don't even get me started on the goopy mess that would happen from keeping it in one piece. That is why I cut my bubble bars before I use them, and I'm gonna show you how to do this with minimal waste (Yay, thriftiness!) 

Saturday, 9 August 2014

YSL Fusion Ink Foundation Review

Hey hey lovely faces! 

Well I have a super exciting post for all of you today. Look what I managed to get before its release. That's right, the new Yves Saint Laurent Fusion Ink Foundation!

So I picked this up while shopping a few days ago and HAD to give you all a review before its release tomorrow (Exclusively in Debenhams from August 10th, other retailers from August 20th). 

Monday, 4 August 2014

Monthly favourites - July 2014

Hey hey lovely faces! A few days late with this post, but forgive me, it was my birthday! So here we go, here's my monthly favourites for July! 

Friday, 1 August 2014

Coal harbour haul

Hey hey lovely faces! A new post here for you about one of my newest discoveries, a lovely place called Coal Harbour.

But first, flashback to approximately 1 month ago. Now, if you follow my Instagram (, you'll already know about my obsession with bath bombs. Well, throughout my numerous hours of scrolling (Or as I like to call it, thumb-cercise), I saw Coal Harbour posts pop up a few times, both through looking at bath bomb reviews, or if someone on my time line had ordered some. Finally, I made the effort to check out their website. Ever since that day, I've been #Obsessed. Their bath bombs are generally cheaper than Lush, are cruelty free & handmade in Britain. Not only do Coal Harbour stock their own branded items, but also sell items from other businesses, including Bomb Cosmetics, Eden's Secret, Miss Patisserie and Quintessentially English. It's like an online mini bath bomb mall. 

So I thought I'd share my first ever order from Coal Harbour with you guys. Enjoy!