Hey lovely faces! It's been a while, how are you all?
Well right now it’s 24 degrees and sunny in Wales (I know right? I’m surprised too!) and I’ve finally gained the motivation to do another blog post. So, since the last time I wrote a blog post was in March, I felt it necessary to give you all an extra special, jam-packed, monthly favourites post. Enjoy!
First up is Lush's 'Let The Good Times Roll' cleanser.

I can't believe a product like this exists! When I say that I want to eat my face while using this, believe me, I'm 100% legit! Let The Good Times Roll smells like buttery toffee popcorn, and, since it's Lush, has pieces of popcorn in the mask itself. Not only does it clean like a dream, but it also has tiny grainy pieces that help to exfoliate while cleansing! Genius! The cleanser has a thick consistency, which when mixed with a bit of water in your palm, becomes a watery paste that can easily be applied to the face. This product has now deservedly taken its place in my top 5 Lush products. Now, all I need to know is can I eat this stuff?!
Next up, I present to you Una Brennan's Super Facialist Pore Purifying Clay Mask.
Over time, I feel like I've gotten into the habit of putting up with masks and just settling with them, not actually seeing results. I can happily say that this face mask has broken that trend. After having this product recommended by many beauty bloggers, I thought I'd give it a go. This mask is beyond fab! It has a consistency like no other. Seriously, I've never had a mask this thick! When applied, it's almost as if you can feel the product working. My skin feels smooth and tighter after each use, and I can happily say that since I've been using it, I haven't had any spots! WHAT IS THIS SORCERY?! Magic in a bottle!
Next up, Simple Clear Skin Oil Balancing Moisturiser.
Again, I have to thank beauty bloggers for another amazing recommendation. My skin is pretty oily, but lately this has been under control thanks to a few changes in my skincare routine, including my new moisturiser. It's so refreshing to have a moisturiser that doesn't feel greasy or heavy on my skin. For once, it feels like I can wear a moisturiser that is actually made for me. Plus, it's oil balancing too! What more is there to like?! Well, maybe that it is a natural antibacterial, or that there are no perfumes or colours. Do I even need to keep adding reasons?! This product definitely has me hooked!
On the subject of great things, let's talk about Lush's Charity Pot.
So, roughly 50% of the time I purchase something in Lush, I'm offered to buy a little charity pot tin, as seen on the right in the above photo. So, I finally agreed to buying one, y'know, good deed of the day. Well this was definitely a win-win situation! The consistency of this cream is just fab. When scooped from its tub, it appears to have a thick consistency, but don't be deceived, this lotion won't leave your skin feeling heavy! It absorbs into the skin and leaves behind a beautiful smell, which I can only describe as 'posh suncream'. Turns out this is a combination of Shea butter, Rosewood oil, Moringa oil and Ylang Ylang oil. Either way, this is a product not to be missed, and not just because it smells great. In case you haven't realised yet by the name, 100% of proceeds from each pot sold (minus the taxes) benefit Lush's grassroots organisations, helping with environmental conservation, animal welfare and human rights. Think of it as a little pot of love for the world, and your skin!
Next up is a bit broad, but they've been my lifesavers lately! Let's all give our thanks and praises for lip balm, specifically Balmi Raspberry & Blistex's Raspberry Lemonade Blast
So, as noted almost everywhere on this blog, Raspberry is the best scent/flavour/etc.. in the entire world and it's beyond beautiful. So, naturally, when purchasing lip balm, it's the first flavour I look for. I'm happy to say that my taste judgements most definitely paid off this time around, but let's rewind back to April. After getting my braces on this year, my lips have become so dry. In the matter of weeks, I have turned from hardly wearing anything on my lips to always being within 2 feet of a lip balm. It's safe to say that my (lip) life has been turned upside down, but enough of my first world problems! These two products have been my saviours ever since, more so the Blistex Raspberry Lemonade Blast. The consistency is thick, which is great because it lasts a hell of a lot longer on my lips than most balms. Did I also mention that it tastes divine?! The Balmi is so fab and convenient, seriously, I can simultaneously apply it to both lips, genius! Not to mention that it actually tastes like ice cream with raspberry sauce from an ice cream van. Nostalgia in lip balm form. Now, all I need to work on is not licking it all of my lips!
Next up is the phenomenon that is known as 'Mermaid Water'.
Looks beautiful right?! I'm obsessed with this lush cocktail after seeing it on the Instagram of Lush Cribbs Causeway. Although this picture may look pretty, it doesn't do it any justice at all. But I hear you ask 'Jade, how on earth do i create such a majestic and wonderful bath cocktail?!?!'. Well, young cricket, here's how:
1 x blue bath bomb (Personally, I'd recommend the Lush 'Big Blue' bath bomb because that appears to work best, but in this image, I used a leftover blue bath bomb from a Boots 'fresh' gift set)
1/2 x Sunnyside bubble bar from Lush
1 x bath filled with lovely hot water
1 x playlist of your most favourite songs
Voila! The recipe for a perfect mermaid water bath, a la Jade!
Little secret for those who don't know. I recommend using a pair of tights when using bubble bars. I find that they dissolve much easier, create better colour and a hell of a lot more bubbles!
Next, because it's raspberry & food, which makes it automatically perfect, is Marks & Spencer's Raspberry & Lychee Panna Cotta.
So, flashback to a post exam Jade, who is very tired and just wants to eat a ton of dessert and sleep. Post exam Jade wanders into the food section of Marks & Spencer, searching for an exciting dessert. Behold, post exam Jade finds a raspberry dessert. Little did post exam Jade know that this dessert would change her life forever. Think I'm over exaggerating? Believe me, this dessert is the best ever, the epitome of perfection. The top layer has little cubes of sweet raspberry jelly that taste almost syrup-like. Also included in this layer are raspberries covered in a sauce. I was happy enough with that, until they made this desert even more fab. The panna cotta layer is so thick and creamy and tastes like heaven. Plus, where the two meet, a raspberry flavoured panna cotta layer is created. It's incredible. I can happily say that I have bought way too many of these this summer and will continue to do so. Expect me to be sat outside M&S's crying when they're stopped after the summer!
Next up is a music favourite, the newest album of my favourite band Air Dubai, named Be Calm!
Where do I even begin?! Air Dubai have been my favourite band since about 2011, when I heard their song 'I know how'. Ever since then, I've been hooked! Their music is Hip-Hop like no other. I can't even explain how fab they are, so you have to check them out for yourself, and what better place to start than with their newest album 'Be Calm'. The album has been in the works since 2012, and believe me, the wait was most definitely worth it! (Side note, 'All Day' has just started playing on my playlist, it's a sign!). Be Calm features 13 tracks, with my top three being Coasts, All Day & Sunrise. Each track sounds fab, seriously, It's rare for me to like every track on an album, yet, I can listen to every song on this. Be Calm is definitely my soundtrack of Summer 2014, and will be yours too after listening!
Go check them out, you won't regret it!
And, finally, I present the phenomena that is Orange Is The New Black, Season 2.
OITNB is most definitely my favourite series at the moment, and believe me, I was beyond prepared for season 2, so much so that I set my countdown timer for a whole series binge-fest. I can confirm that I watched the whole series in 24 hours. Yeah, I'm pretty obsessed, but honestly, who isn't?! OITNB has to be Netflix's most popular show right now, and rightfully so. The characters all have a unique story, each giving so much depth, proving that these aren't just inmates, but humans too, warts and all. Season 2 continues the love triangle with Piper, Larry and Alex, with a bit of a twist. Let's just say that 'triangle' is an inaccurate shape, more like a pentagon! Damn! Season 2 also brings more characters like Taystee, Poussey, Morello and Rosa to the forefront, not to mention the interactions between Red and new inmate, Vee. It's safe to say that Season 2 definitely surpassed my expectations. If you haven't watched this yet, WHY NOT?! QUICK! GO!
Well that's all for my first ever 'monthly favourites' post. How did I do? It would be lovely to hear your comments!
Have you used any of the products/things mentioned in this post? What did you think?
Thanks for reading and have a lovely day!
Lots of love
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