Sunday, 28 September 2014

My First Liebster Award!

Wowzas! I've been nominated for a Liebster award by Jo of the blog, Caledonian Kitty. You can find her on twitter @CaledonianKitty! Thanks so much lovely! 

So, as you probably know by now, when you are nominated for a Liebster, you are given a set of 11 questions to answer by the person who nominated you. You also must include 11 facts about yourself. After this, you nominate 11 blogs with under 500 followers and give them 11 questions to answer, hence, keeping the chain going. 

Okay, so here's 11 facts about me!

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Lush Kitchen Haul

Hey hey lovely people!  Now, you all know I'm beyond obsessed with LUSH. Despite this, it took me nearly a year to FINALLY order something from the LUSH website! Why you may ask? Well, to put it simply, I'm a cheapskate, and it takes a really good product to get me to pay nearly £4 for delivery charges. 

So, by that, you should've already guessed that I found a fab product in the LUSH kitchen that was worth the delivery. Of course, I wasn't gonna pay four pound just for one thing, so behold, my collective LUSH haul! 

Friday, 12 September 2014

Degustabox Review - August 2014

Lovely people!!! It's been too long! One thing beneficial that has come out of this major hiatus is that I now have a regular sleeping pattern! You heard that right! So, as promised, here's my Degustabox review! 

Okay, so my package was delivered by a parcel service which I can't for the life of me remember, but I'm 95% certain it was Parcel Force. It arrived around the beginning of September, which I was surprised at, seeing as I thought I'd get it around halfway through the month. I can happily say that not one thing in the box was damaged!

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Monthly Favourites - August

Hey hey lovely faces! First up, I have to apologise for not blogging in 11 days! Wowzas! Fortunately, I have a few posts in the creation right now! So sit back, relax, and enjoy my favourite things from the month of August!